Friday, December 6, 2013

12/6 Course Wrap Up

In class, there were many interesting presentation concepts that really bring out people’s thoughts and creativity through their project. Some project proposal that I found thoughtful was the sound editing work using borrowed ideas from the game Bioshock which is a really cool game with a unique view of a utopia society. I really would be excited to see the finish work and see how he will incorporate themes from class to the project. Another presentation that I was impressed with was the one that Alice and her group are doing with different literature works. The themes of each work are interesting because it really looks at how technology and society would work together as time advances. Furthermore, I think that each individual work has a creative and intriguing story that I would be very interested in to read. One of the most fun read for me was about Anda’s game and the study of AI and how far we can push the limit of technology. If we can create the perfect AI with human emotions and independent thoughts, is it still considered artificial?

 Lastly, the presentation that involves railroad lamps was very fascinating. I never realized that there were so many different types of railroad lamps. The idea is cool because it brings together both something from the past (the lamp) and the future (web) and creating a new experience for others.  By informing, creating contents, we can educate the mass using the web that we build together. 

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